Empowering Support

New Enrolment Form

    Personal Information

    D.O.B *

    Person’s name *

    Parent/Guardian names *

    Residential Address *

    Email *

    Phone Number *

    Accommodation Services (if applicable) *

    Address *

    Daytime Contact No. *

    Accommodation Email *

    Trial Day Required

    Does Participant Require Transport?

    Type of Disability and Level of Support Needs (medium, high etc) *

    If Known, How Will You Pay for the Service? *

    No Of Days Requested *

    Do you have a current NDIS Plan?

    Participant Number:

    Plan Start and End Dates:

    Managed by:

    Specific Support Requirements



    LCS Notes



    Communication Verbal/Written



    Additional Info

    Participant's Interests and Goals

    What are his/her special interests?

    What activity does he/she like doing?

    What are his/her current goals?

    What other goals would he/she like to achieve?

    Additional Notes:

    Ready to Empower Your Journey?

    Contact us today to find out how we can support your aspirations and independence.

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